Grupos por edades: niños

Ever wonder what is going through the mind of an autistic child? What do they see? What do they hear? How do they relate to the world? Well luckily Kristy Gray, a high-energy, devoted and loving mother of two boys, has gone a long way toward illuminating those very questions. In her new children’s book “The Magically Brilliant Boy,” Kristy gives you a glimpse into the world of her autistic son, Zachary, and indeed into the worlds of other autistic children. But this is not only a “children’s” book. Through raising her son, building a core relationship with him and having a true understanding of his entire being, Kristy has drawn on that knowledge and has written an informative book for adults as well. At last, we have a tiny peek into the autistic child’s mind and come away with a better grasp of how and what they see and how they relate to the world and to us.As a lover of life, family, and core values, Kristy works hard to maintain a humble existence while pushing herself forward to fulfilling all her dreams. As a mom that has raised a child with Autism, Kristy has opened up her world to you with “The Magically Brilliant Boy” and invited you into her daily life with her son. She does not claim to be an expert, simply a mom with a lifetime of experience.Her family’s journey with Autism began when her youngest son was diagnosed at the age of 2½. Kristy says, “His diagnosis reshaped our family, yet has blessed us beyond words. As a parent, an Autistic diagnosis for your child is nothing you can ever be prepared for and quite frankly can shake you down to your core. We, personally, found ourselves grieving the life we had planned. There were some very emotional and pretty difficult days, but our hearts were full and a new life began. It’s true that no parent ever knows what the future holds for their children. That could never be more true than for a parent with a child or young adult with Autism. However, to know my son is to know pure joy and innocence. That, alone, is where I draw strength when the going gets tough.”“The Magically Brilliant Boy” is a story born from Kristy’s heart and truly inspired by her son’s life. One day, when he was very young, they were walking home from the beach, hand in hand and swinging their arms, enjoying the sunshine. He looked up at his mother and said, with an innocent expression, “The moon makes the tide go in and out, but love makes the world go ‘round!” It was in that moment, through her happy tears, that Kristy recognized the magic that was just beneath the surface of her perfectly imperfect unique son.Beautifully illustrated by New Jersey artist, Deborah Burow, the art in “The Magically Brilliant Boy” contributes immensely to the overall concept and completes the insight into Autism. Deborah drew on her early work as an educator working with autistic children to bring Kristy’s words to life. Kristy lives with her husband of 24 years, JR, and their two sons in northern New Jersey and is currently at work on her next book. Deborah lives on the New Jersey shore which inspires her to paint joy from her heart. More of her art can be seen at and on as well as at various art fairs around the country.

Have you ever known anyone who's life changed in an instant, never being the same? Angela Dee takes us on a journey of love, loss, heartbreak, and triumph. Seen through the eyes and told through the words only a mother would know. A must read for a family with a special needs child. "Those who have a voice, must speak for the Voiceless." Leslie Gustafson, LMFT ~Author of Amazing Intimacy ~Fox Denver's Sex and Marriage Therapist So many special needs families feel alone and isolated. Through the pages of Voiceless you will not only find that you are not alone, but I believe that you will also find a friend. Angela shines a light for many walking down a dark and unknown road. Both brave in their own way, Angela and Spencer encourage all of us to live anything but ordinary. Expect to be changed as you read Voiceless. Celeste Barnard, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller

Tercer títol de la col·lecció "Apunts de Pau i Drets Humans", orientada a difond re materials didàctics i pedagògics centrats en la cultura de la pau i la defens a i la promoció dels drets humans, que presenta un recull d'eines adreçades al p rofessorat per tal que puguin introduir el coneixement dels drets dels joves a l 'aula. Les propostes de treball incloses en aquest volum tenen l'objectiu de fac ilitar l'apropament al coneixement de la Convenció de les Nacions Unides sobre e ls Drets dels Infants i els Joves. Les temàtiques tractades són, entre altres: i dentitat, migracions, no-discriminació, educació, alimentació i salut, infants d el carrer, treball infantil, infants soldat.

La pobreza en España tiene rostro de niño han titulado numerosos periodistas desde la publicación de un informe en 2008 que revelaba los altos índices de pobreza infantil en nuestro país. Este hecho, por tanto, no es nuevo. La crisis económica ha agravado la vulnerabilidad de la infancia en España, pero la situación anómala de nuestro país lleva denunciándose desde hace más de una década por informes internacionales, entidades sociales y especialistas en la investigación sobre la desigualdad. La tasa de riesgo de pobreza, el indicador más usado en la medición de este problema, era del 28,3% en 2017, una de las cifras más altas de la Unión Europea, solo por debajo de Bulgaria (29,2%) y Rumanía (32,2%). Durante muchos años, esta ha sido una evidencia invisible; y no precisamente por falta de cifras que demostraran los contornos y la magnitud del problema. Pero en los últimos tiempos, la pobreza infantil ha pasado a ser un asunto que concierne a la sociedad española, y su erradicación se ha trasladado también a las agendas y a los debates políticos. Su gravedad está por fin reconocida, pero quedan aún preguntas de gran calado, a las que Pau Marí-Klose va dando respuesta a lo largo de estas páginas: ¿por qué debe preocuparnos (especialmente) la pobreza infantil?, ¿qué está en juego cuando en una sociedad tantos niños son pobres o corren el riesgo de serlo?, ¿qué podemos hacer para corregir esta situación?, ¿qué errores debemos evitar?

Recull consells pràctics per als primers anys de vida del nen, per tal que els p ares sàpiguen com tenir-ne cura. Proporciona també informació sobre el desenvolu pament físic i psíquic de l'infant i la importància de les relaciones afectives dins la família per a l'evolució global de la seva personalitat.