Monedas, billetes, medallas y sellos (numismática)


The period of modern numismatics (since about 1800) is perhaps the most interesting ever. Within this period different types of standards (silver, gold, bimetallic) alternated, and periods of sometimes impressive inflation occurred, resulting in alternate use of metallic (coins) and paper (treasury notes, banknotes) money. In this series of books it is aimed to develop a scientific classification of the different appearances of circulating money (both coins and different types of paper and polymer money) in one system. It focuses purely on permanent circulation money to avoid incorporation of modern commemorative coins that are in many instances hardly seeing any circulation. The currency described in this series is classified according to a newly developed classification scheme, that is based on four levels: i) The nominal value, ii) The first year a new coin or paper money series is issued, iii) The year of a specific issue and iv) variations of specimens within a year. As the catalogues in this book series are type catalogues they focus on the first two levels of this classification only. This first volu

Història raonada de la moneda medieval catalana emesa, de primer a Occitània i, des d'Alfons I (1162-1196) a tots els territoris de la Corona Catalano-Aragonesa, fins a Ferran el Catòlic (1479-1516), que també inclou les branques laterals de Mallorca, Sicília, territoris grecs i Nàpols. Basat en l'aplec de 1.200 documents i notícies que s'adjunten i un catàleg de 1.000 tipus, també adjunt, l'estudi de la història monetària, element central del llibre, es complementa amb un glossari de termes i una bibliografia crítica. Es tracta del volum tercer de la col·lecció Història Monetària Catalana que pretén posar al dia la nostra història monetària per a totes les èpoques i de la qual ja se n'han publicat vuit volums.