Every English fact at your fingertips ... a more than handy reference tool for all involved in imparting linguistic knowledge on a regular basis. In the author's alphabetically arranged detailed content one can only admire the spirit of Dr Johnson ... it will help out when dealing with potentially awkward customers, or those keen to try out a new teacher. ELGazette. ~ ~ ~ ~ When you start reading it, you are reminded of Modern English Usage by Fowler; however, in this case Peter Harvey is dealing with the reality of the foreign learner and what that learner wants to know ... A Guide to English Language Usage is a good reference book for all of us who are teaching and for advanced students as well. It is worth having in our libraries ... It is very practical, having been written by a teacher who knows his trade, and is highly recommendable. TESOL Spain Newsletter. ~ ~ ~ ~ An entertaining and illuminating read ... shows a high awareness of learners' needs ... it is clearly written by someone with solid classroom experience ... The grammar sections are a strong area of the book ... The information provided [on pronunciation] is accurate and relevant ... the cultural information as a whole is well-presented, colourful and accurate ... [it offers] clear and useful directions for learners Modern English Teacher.