The Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil 12 | METAFLUXUS focuses on the thought of? Czech-Brazilian philosopher Vil?m Flusser. Constructed based on his way of understanding and delimiting contemporary cultural territories, this publication creates an experimental space in which different lines of thought and expression cross each other to project a hypertextual and imagetic metaflux that discusses contemporary themes from a Flusserian perspective. The concept of metaflux was born in Berlin, during a period of research at the _Vil?m_Flusser_Archiv, installed at the Universit?t der K?nste (UdK). Between 2010 and 2015, as a research fellow in the archive, I coorganized a study group that I called the Flusserian Philosophical Fridays. The group met every couple of weeks to read Flusser, according to the author?s intention, who wrote his texts to be read and discussed in a group during the various courses he taught throughout Brazil and Europe.From Flusser?s work, four texts have been selected that represent different moments and facets of the development of his thought; together, they make up an arc that encompasses all the