Aprendizaje temprano: rimas y juegos de palabras

Today, Sierra is going outside to play. She must choose the right shoes for her play day.  Find out which shoes Sierra will choose to wear.  This book is a fun way for children to learn about different shoe styles through an educational poetry story-line.  It is filled with twenty-two colorful high resolution illustrations.  Great for children ages two to five years.  They will love it.  It is the third book in the Sierra Collection.

Dragons have invaded the house in this fun picture book! Detailed watercolor illustrations tell the story of dragons in the kitchen, garden, closet, library and much more! Fun for adults and children of all ages.

Dues germanes bessones que s?ajuden constantment i que fan, moltes estones, mil coses per a la gent. Què són? A veure si endevines, amb aquests divertits poemes, totes les parts del teu cos. Des del cap, passant pel tronc, fins a arribar als peus. Per dins i per fora, el teu cos és una màquina perfecta! Atreveix-te a descobrir-lo! A partir d'aquestes divertides rimes, el petit lector haurà d'endevinar totes les parts del seu cos. Per a això, el contingut s'ha estructurat en quatre parts ben diferenciades: cap, tronc, extremitats i per dins i per fora. Una manera lúdica i educativa de mostrar al petit conceptes nous i noms que, gràcies a la comparació, identificarà i adquirirà de manera natural.

¡Es un día muy especial! Una fiesta grande, divertida y repleta de invitados se está preparando para agasajar a la famosa, adorable y pequeña oruga glotona. Las flores, los insectos, los pájaros, las hormigas, un gato y muchos amigos más están esperando el momento de celebrar el cumpleaños de la pequeña oruga glotona. Hay globos, adornos y muchos regalos ¡Y además, una increíble tarta de cumpleaños con velitas! Un nuevo libro rimado y lleno de color del famoso autor e ilustrador Eric Carle. La protagonista, uno de sus más conocidos y entrañables personajes vuelve a deleitarnos con este álbum para los más pequeños. Como broche de oro trae una sorpresa desplegable que encandilará a toda la familia. Los lectores y admiradores de la pequeña oruga glotona estamos invitados a la fabulosa fiesta y deseamos que cumpla muchos libros más.

May I share an Heirloom with you? My name is Ora, and I am the author of the new 'Ooli & Tooli' book series. The stories were created by my family over generations, continents and cultures. They sing of universal values that transcend today?s digital lifestyle.Ooli & Tooli were first conceived by my father, Sam, many years ago and in a very different world. He invented stories about the two kittens almost every night for my sister and me. Over the years, the names, Ooli & Tooli, have become household names and the verbal tradition continued when my first grandson was born. When an Ooli & Tooli story became the one to 'seal the deal' at bedtime, I have decided to put them in writing for him and future generations. I wish our family heirloom becomes your favorite family tradition as well.Ooli & Tooli When Life Is UnRooly.. is an upcoming children book series (for ages 4-8), that brings fun and surprises to dealing with challenges. The lovable kittens, Ooli & Tooli, leap into the laps of kids with engaging stories, learning, love and values.Our lives rarely go unchallenged and as planned, and no story can chang

May I share an Heirloom with you? My name is Ora, and I am the author of the new 'Ooli & Tooli' book series. The stories were created by my family over generations, continents and cultures. They sing of universal values that transcend today?s digital lifestyle.Ooli & Tooli were first conceived by my father, Sam, many years ago and in a very different world. He invented stories about the two kittens almost every night for my sister and me. Over the years, the names, Ooli & Tooli, have become household names and the verbal tradition continued when my first grandson was born. When an Ooli & Tooli story became the one to 'seal the deal' at bedtime, I have decided to put them in writing for him and future generations. I wish our family heirloom becomes your favorite family tradition as well.Ooli & Tooli When Life Is UnRooly.. is an upcoming children book series (for ages 4-8), that brings fun and surprises to dealing with challenges. The lovable kittens, Ooli & Tooli, leap into the laps of kids with engaging stories, learning, love and values.Our lives rarely go unchallenged and as planned, and no story can chang

The North Wind and the Sun ******************************* " One day in late spring with the sun shining strong She announced to the North Wind, ?You do not belong!? ?It?s time you must leave, so things can get hot.? But the North Wind said simply, ?Oh, no, I will not.? ********** About Aesop?s Fables ****** Who was Aesop, and why are his fables famous all over the world? In fact, very little is known about this mysterious Ancient Greek figure. He is thought to have been a slave originally from Africa, but even that isn?t known for certain. But his stories, with their talking animals and simple moral lessons, have been popular for thousands of years. They have been translated into almost every language and were among the first books to be printed when the printing press was invented in the 1400s. The most famous Aesop?s Fable is probably the story of The Hare and the Tortoise, with its message that ?slow and steady wins the race.? Children everywhere have grown up loving these delightful short tales, learning and growing through their bond with these timeless classics. I grew up enjoying many of Aesop?s fabl

Is an old , favorite and classic nursery tale. Simple and repetitive words help in building vocabulary and learning new words , In this case clothing. Written in Spanish and English to build vocabulary in either language. Don?t worry about perfect pronunciation, children won?t expect it either.?