Cosméticos, peluquería y belleza

"How To Apply Makeup Like A Professional" is another in the series of books on makeup from Lisa Patrick. Through her, readers have learned how to do basic makeup to get to work and to run about and do errands or even to go out at night. She takes thing a bit further in this book and highlights certain tips and tricks that a person can use to have that professional look when they apply their makeup. Having the professional look involves a certain number of processes from the tools that are used to the makeup that is selected and how it is applied. The main thing to learn is that specific types of makeup will have a certain effect. It is therefore important to select carefully. The brushes and sponges also have to be selected carefully and all of this is expounded upon in the book. It serves as a great guide to help women look even better.

En estos volúmenes presentamos las últimas técnicas aplicadas en el mundo de la peluquería: corte, color, trabajos con extensiones, etc., técnicas muy diversas y creativas. Queremos también dar a la peluquería y a su labor creativa su merecida proyección internacional, por eso hemos querido contar con grandes peluqueros de distintas nacionalidades, como Anne Veck, Cebado, Felicitas, Hob Salons, Sanrizz, Gym Groming, etc. Podremos apreciar la calidad de sus trabajos, conocer mejor sus técnicas y currículum y refrescar nuestras ideas viendo las tendencias que se aplican alrededor del mundo. Los trabajos presentados en esta edición, pretenden actualizar nuestros salones poniendo a vuestro alcance las últimas tendencias, esperamos haberlo conseguido.