Deportes ecuestres y con animales

Jean-Claude Racinet has devoted his life to the vindication of "L'equitation de L'egerete" (riding in lightness) which fosters balance by relaxing the horse-more so his mouth-excluding force in the wielding of the aids. Also written by Racinet:Total Horsemanship, Racinet Explains Baucher This practical manual, describes the horsemanship of French Tradition - characterized by lightness - from a down-to-earth point of view. Born in Paris in 1929, Jean-Claude Racinet is a graduate of St. Cyr, the French West Point, Class of 1950. He was a member of the French contingent in Korea (1950-53), where he was wounded twice. As an officer of the French army, he spent seven years in Tunisia and Algeria (1954-61) and four more years in Europe. While he spent most of his army career during the time when the military was getting rid of their horses, he managed, between and during his sojourns overseas, to successfully attend the Superior Equitation Course in the Cavalry School of Saumur (1953-54), winning the title of Champion of Tunisia in open jumping (1956), and to become a member of the Jumping Team of the Military Sch

Ampliamente revisada y actualizada, incluye nuevas secciones sobre razas, entrenamiento, cuidados, equipo, y cubre los últimos acontecimientos deportivos ecuestres. Más de mil ilustraciones, mapas, fotografías con instantáneas en acción de más de 150 razas de caballos y ponis de todo el mundo. Escrita por la autoridad con más ventas en temas del caballo y ecuestres. Un análisis de la evolución del caballo, las razas principales y la contribución que ha hecho el caballo a la civilización, tanto en su vida salvaje como en el trabajo, la guerra, el deporte y el recreo. Abarca datos sobre su domesticación y los métodos de equitación clásicos, e incluye un estudio de las grandes yeguadas y los acontecimientos deportivos más actuales. Se presentan, además, más de 150 de las principales razas de caballos y ponis, y se incluyen retratos de cuerpo entero realizados especialmente para esta obra, así como cientos de instantáneas en acción. Se explica el origen, la historia y las utilizaciones de cada raza.

This great book is the next in Xenophon Press? series by the students of Master Nuno Oliveira. Eleanor Russell studied with Oliveira for over ten years. For an entire year, she studied horsemanship with her stallion, Victorieux in Avessada, Portugal. During this time, she took dutiful notes of her master?s teachings and faithfully recorded quotations of his lessons and discussions. Ms. Russell was permitted to photograph him in his daily work on average horses. This book is filled with candid, un-posed photographs seldom before seen.? The lessons are practical and concrete. This volume illustrates daily life at the stables and reveals many secrets to understanding many classical dressage movements.This great book is the next in Xenophon Press? series by the students of Master Nuno Oliveira. Eleanor Russell studied with Oliveira for over ten years. For an entire year, she studied horsemanship with her stallion, Victorieux in Avessada, Portugal. During this time, she took dutiful notes of her master?s teachings and faithfully recorded quotations of his lessons and discussions. Ms. Russell was permitted to phot

Hablar de Córdoba es hablar de caballos y hablar de éstos es hacerlo de Córdoba, son un binomio que para nuestra fortuna ha permanecido inseparable a lo largo de siglos. Este libro esboza la historia ecuestre de la ciudad eterna, y por extensión de parte de la de Andalucía y España. Desde el desarrollo del magno proyecto real de las Caballerizas Reales de Córdoba por Felipe ii, que dio origen al caballo andaluz, a las vicisitudes del sector ecuestre durante los siglos xix y xx. Siglos que tuvieron sus momentos de sombras para el mundo del caballo ?con el triunfo de la automoción y la desaparición del animal como fuerza motriz? y de luces ?con el nuevo resurgir del caballo en el ocio y el deporte, ahora también como motor económico per se?. Unas pinceladas para conocer y amar al noble bruto y a la ciudad que vio nacer la raza más bella y noble del mundo: el caballo andaluz.

When Weyrother was posted to Vienna the SRS was the only school left that concerned itself with the methodical practice of the art of high-school and, with the cultivation and the preservation of the purity of equine locomotion. There were quite a few very good cavalry schools throughout Europe but all had to fulfil a practical brief which demanded immediate results. The only other school devoted to the art of pure riding was the School of Versailles in France. This was closed after the French revolution and thus the SRS remained the sole guardian of the art. Ironically though, French ideas and practices that were lost to France, never to be fully recovered, found a new home in the School of Vienna.It was perhaps Weyrother's greatest gift to Austrian horsemanship, and therefore to that of the world, that he introduced the school to the writings of the great French Ecuyer, de la Gu?rini?re, the founder of modern dressage. The twenty years or so that Weyrother served the Vienna school were dedicated to the installing, practising and promoting of de la Gu?rini?re's principles and equestrian legacy as described

Crines y Colas Esta nueva obra de la colección de "Guías Ecuestres Ilustradas" es un manual, paso a paso, sobre el arte de entresacar y trenzar crines y colas. A toda persona interesada en adquirir los conceptos fundamentales del mundo de los caballos y