ELT: teoría y métodos de enseñanza

Language Test Construction and Evaluation describes the process of language test construction clearly and comprehensively. Each chapter deals with one stage of the test construction process; from drafting initial test specifications, to reporting test scores, test validation and washback. In addition, current practice in the examining of English as a Foreign Language by different examining boards is reviewed in order to compare testing principles with present test practice. The focus is on the practical: it does not assume a statistical background but explains and demystifies the procedures and concepts that are relevant to the construction and evaluation of language tests. Language Test Construction and Evaluation will provide an invaluable reference for anyone who wishes to understand how language tests are, and should be, constructed.

Laughing Matters offers over 120 activities which will inject some light-hearted fun into lessons whilst still being grounded in respected language learning theory. Humour is a very effective way to help students remember key concepts and structures. The book contains step-by-step guidance on how to carry out the activities and suggestions for further work.

This is a practical guide for teachers on how to select, organise and teach vocabulary to all levels of students. It discusses the linguistic and psychological theories relevant to vocabulary learning, describes with clear examples traditional and current methods of presentation and practice, and suggests ways of assessing and supplementing the vocabulary component of coursebooks. Working with Words is an ideal resource for practising teachers and teachers in training.

This non-technical text guides foreign and second language educators in the use of classroom-based assessment. The paperback edition guides foreign and second language educators in the use of classroom-based assessment as a tool for improving both teaching and learning. While firmly grounded in current research, the presentation is nontechnical and does not require a specialized degree in psychometrics, statistics, or research. The suggested assessment procedures are useful for a broad range of proficiency levels, teaching situations, and instructional approaches. Preview and follow-up activities assist the reader in applying the material from each chapter.

This text brings together the work of 15 elementary education experts who support an integrative approach to educating second language children. The paperback edition is a collection of articles from fourteen elementary education experts who espouse an integrative approach to second language education - one that goes beyond language teaching methodology - to cover a wide range of issues affecting the academic and social success of language minority children. The volume deals not only with second language development, but with the development of the whole child. Rather than focusing on language instruction, it addresses the entire curriculum, and instead of restricting itself to classroom learning, it examines the role of the school, family, and community.

Presenta la enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) adaptando la metodología para estudiantes adultos. Los contenidos (Diálogo, Vocabulario, Fonética, Contenidos Gramaticales, Ejercicios sobre el diálogo y Texto narrativo) están organizados en 32 unidades didácticas recogidas en dos volúmenes de 16 unidades cada uno , un solucionario de los ejercicios planteados y un glosario.

Vocabulario en inglés que deberías conocer es una recopilación del vocabulario que deberías conocer para desenvolverte en inglés. Un aspecto imprescindible en el aprendizaje y consolidación de un segundo idioma es el vocabulario. ¿Sientes que no avanzas, que no estás aprendiendo nada nuevo? Si te sientes así, este libro es perfecto para ti. Se trata de 4.500 palabras esenciales del inglés que, practicando de forma constante, conseguirás asimilar y añadir a tu vocabulario habitual. Recomendamos concentrar el estudio en un solo listado y no avanzar hasta que lo domines totalmente. Además, puedes descargar todo el contenido del libro en formato MP3: te ayudará con la pronunciación y te facilitará el estudio en cualquier lugar. El libro abarca palabras de nivel principiante, intermedio y avanzado. Recomendamos estudiar una lista al día, siendo muy importante el repaso constante. Los Vocabulario en inglés que deberías conocer son una forma realista de autodisciplina con los que aumentarás, sin duda, tu vocabulario. ¿Para qué nivel está escrito? Para todos los niveles. ¿Qué mejoraré con este libro? Ampliarás tu vocabulario. ¿Tiene audio? Sí, cerca de 5 horas. Autor Richard Vaughan es el presidente y fundador de Grupo Vaughan.

English for the Teacher is a course which enables teachers to improve their language ability for a number of purposes - using English in the classroom, making professional contacts, reading about the teaching of English and discussions with colleagues and students. As well as providing language practice for the four skills, it also invites teachers to comment on the learning value of what they are doing and thus discuss and reflect on different ways of teaching and learning. In this way, it provides opportunities for more general professional development. * A short Introduction for users explains the basic principles underlying the material. * Each unit focuses on a theme from the world of teaching. * Notes for Trainers give guidance on appropriate classroom methodology. * Guidance is provided for self-study use.

La organización interna del CD abarca una gran variedad de áreas, que van desde la Lingüística Teórica hasta la Lingüística Aplicada, pasando por la Literatura y los Estudios Históricos y Culturales, todos ellos representando las recientes investigaciones en estudios ingleses. Más concretamente, el contenido del formato incluye estudios en materias tales como: la literatura comparada, la teoría crítica, los estudios culturales, los estudios feministas, Estudios de Género, Estudios de Cine, enseñanza y la adquisición de idiomas, la Literatura Moderna y Contemporánea, la Fonética y Fonología, los estudios poscoloniales, la Pragmática y Análisis del Discurso, el Relato Breve en Inglés, la Sociolingüística y la Dialectología, la Sintaxis, los Estudios de Traducción, etc.

La presente obra está concebida como una gramática de apoyo a los ejercicios de la Unidades Didácticas del curso de Lengua Inglesa I de la titulación de Filología Inglesa de la UNED. Todos los capítulos de esta gramática se han planeado cuidadosamente de manera que acompañen a los capítulos en el libro de ejercicios. Así, para todos y cada uno de los ejercicios de Word Formation y Language Points del libro base, se encuentra la explicación de los puntos gramaticales correspondientes en este Grammar Companion.

Written for language teachers in training, this book surveys issues and procedures in conducting practice teaching. Written for language teachers in training at the diploma, undergraduate, or graduate level, Practice Teaching, A Reflective Approach surveys issues and procedures in conducting practice teaching. The book adopts a reflective approach to practice teaching and shows student teachers how to explore and reflect on the nature of language teaching and their own approaches to teaching through their experience of practice teaching.