Finanzas personales

In the midst of all that's required to keep things running smoothly, it is easy for the managers and owners in a small or midsize business to lose sight of long-term objectives, and quite difficult to find the time for planning, staffing and execution of projects that can address emerging threats and opportunities. As business owners and managers ourselves, the authors of this book have been there. We learned to recognize the direct link between past successes and the forward planning efforts that made them possible, and wished for a straightforward, practical, repeatable approach to the process. Thus began a three year journey to identify, organize, streamline and document the essential ingredients of "strategic business development" from a small or midsize business owner's perspective. The process was enlightening, and the result ... well it's in your hands ... enjoy!

The philosophy and strategies for successful investing as well as creating new income streams and then protecting your wealth and passing it on. I also finish Book Three off with my perspective on practical answers to a number of frequently asked questions.

En “Invertir a contracorriente” Anthony Bolton revela todos los secretos del éxito de su enfoque de administración del dinero y proporciona una serie de lecciones muy valiosas que ayudarán al lector a descubrir qué factores importan realmente a la hora de invertir, porque no es fácil comprar siempre a la baja, vender a la alza y salir a airosos de los vaivenes del mercado de valores.En la obra se revelan los secretos del éxito de su enfoque de administración del dinero a contracorriente. Proporciona lecciones muy valiosas sobre los factores que realmente importan a la hora de invertir:- elegir una acción- identificar a buenos gestores- dirigir una cartera- elegir inversiones de valor- saber leer gráficos- negociar con éxito

GuíaBurros Inteligencia Financiera el dinero no se gasta, se utiliza, desde como tomar las riendas de tu economía, pasando por el dinero y vida en sociedad, hasta ser padres de nuestro porvenir.Toda la información en una guía sencilla y muy fácil de leer. Inteligencia Financiera. Dinero y vida en sociedad. Elección personal. Un almacén lleno de tesoros. Tomar las riendas. Ser padres de nuestro porvenir. Quien guarda, halla. El hombre más feliz. En marcha. Reflexiones finales

El primer kakebo dedicado a las familias que esperan un bebé Con la llegada de un hijo, los gastos aumentan y llevar las cuentas se hace más necesario que nunca. Kakebo para bebés es un libro práctico inspirado en el célebre método japonés con el que: Controlarás los gastos destinados al bebé: desde pañales hasta papillas, accesorios y productos de higiene. Descubrirás consejos prácticos para una crianza low cost y sostenible. Aprenderás trucos y estrategias para ahorrar sin privar de nada a tu recién nacido. Disfrutarás de momentos especiales con tu familia sin gastar una fortuna. Gestiona tus cuentas con cabeza y ahorra para lo que de verdad importa

A Treasure Trove Trilogy is a compilation of three books by Mark DiGiovanni, one of America's premier financial advisers. For someone early in their working life, this book is essential. By the time someone begins a career, there's already an investment of fifteen to twenty years of education at a cost of thousands of dollars. How much of that education focused on finding the work that was right for the individual? How much of that education focused on understanding money, which is the main reason people get an education and go to work? For almost everyone, the answer is little to none. What's contained in these pages can fill many critical gaps in a traditional education. Education can develop some impressive tools. This is where you learn how to use them.

What would Confucius, the Chinese philosopher who lived five hundred years before Christ, think about our inability to live within our means? What would Virgil, the Roman poet from the time of Christ, think about our domination by fear and greed in the markets? What would Benjamin Franklin, one of history's wisest and most prolific men on financial matters, think about our reluctance to plan for our future? What would Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President, think of our attempts to receive more while working less? What would Thoreau, Einstein, Socrates, Gandhi, Jesus and others have to say about our misunderstandings about the role of money, wealth, possessions, and work in our lives? Pearls Before Swine contains the words of more than two-hundred individuals, spanning more than twenty-five centuries. The three hundred quotes cited in this book are used by the author as starting points and guideposts on a journey to discover why, individually and collectively, we are in such desperate financial straits today.

If you are planning to retire in the next few years, you’re one of the millions of baby boomers who will likely enter retirement without a pension. Your quality of life in retirement will be determined by what you have saved and invested. You’re part of the largest wave of retirement in modern history, and, you’re on your own. Unlike past generations, no corporation or government will be there to fix your problems should you enter retirement unprepared. The New Retirement Income Portfolio is written specifically to address the questions that come with being financially “on your own” for the last third of your life. Can you afford to retire? How will you know? Will your money last or will you outlive your money? How should you allocate your money to ensure your comfort and dignity in retirement? The New Retirement Income Portfolio will answer these questions in a step by step manner by building a straightforward framework for understanding the problem of self-funded retirement and developing effective solutions. It’s a manual for the rest of your financial life. Graham Williams, MBA, CFP® draws on over 20 years of experience designing personal retirement fi nancial plans for self-funded retirees. By focusing on fundamental concepts and example retirement cases, Graham will guide you through the decision making process. In the New Retirement Income Portfolio you’ll learn: • The 5 factors that can cause your self-funded retirement plan to fail • How to assess your readiness to meet these challenges • How to design both a retirement portfolio and cash flow plan that will withstand the stresses of turbulent financial markets, low interest rates and inflation • How your VALUES determine your portfolio – and not some vague “risk assessment” questionnaire Graham’s commitment to your education means that all the technical stuff you’ve been avoiding is made clear. Through stories, analogies and examples you’ll learn about concepts like secular bear markets, inflation, portfolio volatility and the technicalities of annuities. You’ll finally understand these concepts well enough to put the whole picture together.  After reading this book, you will know what you should own in your portfolio, how much you can expect to receive in income during retirement and how to avoid the wrong ideas, inappropriate risks and falsehoods that often pass for “conventional wisdom” in the financial industry.

Act &?Grow Rich helps people: 1) understand why this country is in a financial crisis that is ignored by Banks, Companies, Wall Street, Universities & Politicians because they all profit from it 2) analyze where they currently are financially 3) set their goals & dare to dream again 4) learn important financial concepts not being taught 5) with proven programs designed to give them the foundation they need to become financially independent later on in life.

Meditación y economía doméstica es una guía práctica sobre cómo usar la conciencia plena para establecer nuestras prioridades económicas, hacer elecciones vitales positivas y evitar gastos compulsivos y deudas. En definitiva, conseguir una gestión óptima de nuestros recursos para vivir más tranquilos.

When was the last time you and your spouse took an up close and personal look at your finances? Let's face it. Money is hard to talk about. But if we don't get real we won't get free. Naked and Unashamed is designed to highlight an area of our lives that we neglect. It is time to uncover the truth so you can finally reach your financial goals. The future of your marriage depends on it! In this book you will: - Get tools on communicating effectively about money with to get you started. - Learn how your money past is affecting you today and not allow it to define you anymore. - Face your current state of financial affairs so you can wake up and do something about it. - Create a financial road map leading you to the future you desire and deserve. A financially fulfilling relationship is possible if you get rid of the money baggage holding you back. It's time to get Naked and Unashamed with your money and your honey.

Life & Debt is not your typical "get debt free" book. It's about learning to love and embrace your debt because in today's world, it is practically impossible to be debt free. Life & Debt is not about teaching life without debt, or to be free of debt, but learning to live with debt and embracing it to the extent that you manage it and take on debt that makes sense for your life. The key lesson from the book is learning to love your debt is one of the first steps of being able to properly manage it. For anyone who wants to live their life with debt happily - college students, grads, parents, grandparents, and those on fixed incomes, business owners and heads of households - the concepts can be fit into any lifestyle on different levels from basic income to complicated budgets. Also suitable for people going through life transitions (marriage, divorce, widow, retirement), as well as most of the middle class who are struggling to keep up with the Joneses.

This book is full of unknown information, that has never been released to the public. It contains detailed information about the credit bureaus and how their database operates. Anyone who has good or bad credit should read this book. This book takes an inside look at the tactics that can be used for individuals seeking to get ahead in life without the use of credit repair or debt consolidation companies. If you ever wanted to know about the secrets of the credit bureaus I stress that you read this book.

En el pasado, el cambio tenía lugar paulatinamente. Nos dábamos el lujo de hacer proyectos a largo plazo y elaborar planes estratégicos con cierto grado de certidumbre. En la actualidad, el ritmo de cambio se acelera de forma exponencial y con tal rapidez, que es difícil hacer predicciones, incluso de corto plazo. Vivimos en un mundo nuevo e impredecible... Las reglas son diferentes... También ha cambiado lo que es necesario saber y cómo actuar para tener éxito. Los antiguos métodos que daban resultado en un mundo de ritmo más lento ya no son eficaces. El reciclaje, la renovación y la revisión de la sabiduría convencional no funciona. Para adelantamos a los cambios y al incremento de competencia, necesitamos una nueva forma de pensamiento, que constituya un alejamiento radical del pasado. "En este libro se desafía tanto la sabiduría convencional como un buen número de supuestos, creencias y hábitos tradicionales. En su lugar se ofrecen guías para una sabiduría no convencional, para estos tiempos inciertos". Robert J. Kriegel, Ph.D., ex-ejecutivo de Young y Rubican Advertising, es conferenciante internacional y profesor del Programa de Administración para Ejecutivos de la Universidad de Stanford. Louis Patler es presidente de Banyan Group, compañía de consultoría ubicada en Sausalito, California.