
Con Yo, Maimónides, Ediciones El Almendro inicia una nueva colección, dirigida especialmente a los jóvenes que quieran dejarse guiar por los hombres y mujeres ilustres que forjaron el más esplendoroso pasado de Al-Andalus.. . Cada volumen recorrerá la vid

Este escrito de Robert Graves, publicado en 1958 tiene el objetivo de informar de un tema muy controvertido desde Mallorca a los extranjeros, tan exóticos para nosotros como nosotros para ellos. Es un texto tan claro y certero que, medio siglo después, nos sorprende a quienes, con la esperanza de aclarar ideas, seguimos con atención las numerosas investigaciones que se publican sobre los xuetes (los descendientes mallorquines de judíos conversos). La erudición de Graves, manifestada en cada línea de su texto, y sobre todo su buen ojo observador, lo sitúan muy lejos de los acostumbrados y siempre indiscretos visitantes que, casi por obligación, han opinado sobre el tema.

Ha-Meir La-Aretz Ve-la-Darim is a two sided book with an anthology of High Holy Day sermons written and delivered by Max "Meir ben Isak" Frankel on one side and and a mouth-watering collection of "Torat Imekha," Purim recipes from the kitchen of Gloria "Golda bas Shmuel Hayim HaLevi" Frankel on the other. Max Frankel Born in 1928 as the youngest of Isak and Breintze Golde Frankel's five children, Max was an exclusively Yiddish speaking twelve-year-old who immigrated to the United States after escaping Nazi occupied Austria with his parents in 1940.? A graduate of Yeshiva Israel Salanter (now SAR Academy in Riverdale, New York), Max went on to attend Yeshiva University's high school and college.? A cum laude graduate of the Teachers Institute of Yeshiva University and the Yeshiva College of Liberal Arts, Max served form 48 years as a master educator and educational administrator in Rochester, Erie, Boston, Philadelphia, and finally, Cincinnati.? When Max retired after 25 years as the Executive Director of Cincinnati's Bureau of Jewish Education, he was the most senior in length of service of all directors of

The goal of this book is to provide a genuine picture of the true Kabbalah. The study of Kabbalah involves a good comprehension of its general idea, as well as its concepts. The Kabbalah explains often allegorically, the beginning of creation as well as all the dynamic systems that are put in place to interact with man, and for the guidance of the worlds. These systems make us understand the purpose of our actions, their interactions with the superior realms, the hidden messages and meanings in the Torah. With a deeper understanding of the reasons and goals of all these actions, one could definitely ascend to a higher level of service and closeness to his Creator. In this book, the reader will find most of the basic concepts as well as some more advanced, to get on the right path of truly understanding the Kabbalah.

La presencia de judíos en Jaén se data documentalmente desde tiempos visigodos, pero debieron de instalarse muchos antes. Con el califato cordobés gozaron de una etapa de prosperidad que se acabó con la llegada de los almorávides y almohades. A partir de la conquista del territorio giennense por los cristianos se suceden etapas de tolerancia con otras de antisemitismo; se establece la Inquisición para perseguir a los falsos convertidos y son expulsados en 1492 los que se mantuvieron judíos.