
Cuando comenzamos a jugar al tenis nos enseñan a golpear de derecha, de revés, a efectuar un saque o a atacar una volea para terminar el punto en la red. Con el paso del tiempo también nos van hablando sobre la táctica que debemos utilizar cuando competi

Jugadores, entrenadores, aficionados e investigadores coinciden en que el aspecto mental del tenis es de suma importancia tanto para lograr un rendimiento máximo en el tenis de alto nivel como para disfrutar de su práctica amateur. El tenis es, como se ha afirmado en múltiples ocasiones, realmente un juego mental. Es aquí donde se enmarca este excelente trabajo de Antoni Girod, quien logra hacer de la psicologia del tenis algo interesante que puede ser comprendido por jugadores, entrenadores y psicólogos. A los aspectos teóricos de este tema, el autor añade continuas propuestas prácticas de motivación y concentración para antes, durante y después de un partido. Todas ellas resultan fáciles de adaptar, utilizar y aplicar en la preparación diaria, en la temporada y durante los partidos de competición. De esta manera, el entrenamiento psicológico pasa a ser un elemento crucial del proceso de formación y preparación de un tenista, a quien las técnicas de control mental del juego le ayudarán a diseñar estrategias psicológicas que le permitirán rendir al máximo.

Sentir el tenis recoge lo más destacado de una temporada 2017 en la que las dos grandes estrellas actuales de este deporte, Rafael Nadal y Roger Federer, regresaron a escena adjudicándose, entre ambos, los cuatro torneos más importantes del mundo. Por pr

This book will show my unique way of teaching that has provided instant gratification on the tennis court for every student. It's a technique that has proven results on the spot. This book will give you a unique insight on strokes, technique, and basic strategy that is broken down in simple instruction that you might not have read in any other instructional books or seen on any videos. Over and over again so many of my students have been impressed with my teaching techniques that improved their tennis instantly. You'll find this book is quite different than any other book or video you might have experienced. Students have said to me; ?This is fantastic I've never heard this before, and I can't believe how incredibly well it works. It makes so much sense. I just don't understand why haven't I heard it before. It's too bad I didn't have you as my instructor when I first started playing tennis.? Regardless of whenever one chooses to start playing the game, or the age or level of the student, my technique in teaching starts by building the best possible foundation so the rest of your game improves rapidly. Once

Singles and Doubles Tennis Strategies: Winning Tactics and Mental Strategies to Beat Anyone By Joseph Correa Pro tennis player and coach, Joseph Correa, teaches you the most important singles and doubles tennis strategies and tactics around to help you maximize your potential. Learn about: - "I" formation doubles strategies - Classic doubles strategies - Advanced doubles strategies - Basic tennis strategies - Advanced tennis strategies - Mental tennis strategies - and more... Some of the strategies you will learn how to do are: How to beat an all-court player. How to beat the "net rusher". How to over come "lobbers". What to do after you double fault. Learn from the best with this great tennis strategy book that will get you winning more matches and thinking better on and off the court. Win more matches by using the right strategy for each situation. Every player is different in their own way. Some players prefer to stay on the baseline, while others prefer to rush the net. This book will give you the answer to your strategy questions. These 32 strategies will teach you how to beat many different types of players and will help you to overcome mental obstacles through specific mental strategies that are included in this book. The more strategies and tactics you know and can use the better it is for you. Learning to master the mental side of tennis has always been a difficult part of the game. Some players have decided to simply not train mentally or simply ignore it which is a big mistake. It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crucial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING? Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great titles by this author go to www.tennisvideostore.com.

This book will show my unique way of teaching that has provided instant gratification on the tennis court for every student. It's a technique that has proven results on the spot. This book will give you a unique insight on strokes, technique, and basic strategy that is broken down in simple instruction that you might not have read in any other instructional books or seen on any videos. Over and over again so many of my students have been impressed with my teaching techniques that improved their tennis instantly. You'll find this book is quite different than any other book or video you might have experienced. Students have said to me; “This is fantastic I've never heard this before, and I can't believe how incredibly well it works. It makes so much sense. I just don't understand why haven't I heard it before. It's too bad I didn't have you as my instructor when I first started playing tennis.” Regardless of whenever one chooses to start playing the game, or the age or level of the student, my technique in teaching starts by building the best possible foundation so the rest of your game improves rapidly. Once you develop the best foundation possible, it's what I like to refer to as the “mother of all foundations” in tennis, it's then you'll start feeling a tremendous amount of confidence in your strokes. This book breaks it down in such easy terms that someone who has never picked up a racket before will be able to relate and understand it, and my technique of teaching easily promotes interest in the game for all students. Be prepared to learn a lot, be patient, and most importantly, have fun. Like anything else, learning the tricks of the trade can make doing whatever it may be much easier. It is the same with tennis. The game of tennis requires you to use all your muscles and forces you to think. By learning the tricks of the trade in tennis it will make playing the game more fun as long as you understand the proper technique and the subtle tricks that make playing the game easier. In tennis small adjustments will make a monumental difference when you learn how to do it the correct way.

THE 33 LAWS OF TENNIS By Joseph Correa Learning to master the mental side of tennis has always been a difficult part of the game. Some players have decided to simply not train mentally or simply ignore it which is a big mistake. It is said that winning in tennis is 80 - 90 % MENTAL! Just take into account that key points in a tennis match such as match point, game point, break points, and set points, are all crucial situations that can decide the outcome of any particular competition. SO WHY DO MOST PEOPLE SKIP MENTAL TRAINING? Take into account that on average a tennis match lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Focusing for such an extended amount of time is not easy task but with the right concepts and ideas to get you there things will become more obtainable. Start reading and putting into practice the concepts and ideas provided in this book so that you can get the most of your game and win more often. For more great tennis books and videos go to www.tennisvideostore.com