Tiro al blanco

Guy N. Smith first wrote for the sporting press in 1963 and over the ensuing years contributed many articles to ‘The Gamekeeper & Countryside’, ‘Shooting Times’ and several other publications.  For sixteen years he was Gun Editor of ‘The Countryman’s Weekly’. He has published 10 shooting and countryside related books along with over 100 works of fiction. His fascination with the legendary Midland Gun Company began in 1957 when he accompanied his father to the firm’s 77 Bath Street factory to buy a gun.  Four years later he had a shotgun built by this company to his own specifications. From then on he became an avid collector of Midland guns and cartridges and in 2016 he had the opportunity to register himself as the owner of the Midland Gun Company name.  It was a proud moment and his next step was to attempt to unravel the history of the Midland, no easy task as no records existed.  It was, though, a labour of love.

SLINGSHOT SHOOTING examined in detail. Shooting a slingshot is easy -- shooting a slingshot accurately is extremely difficult. It generally takes years of dedicated practice to become an expert slingshot shooter. But the good thing is that even the learning process will be a pleasurable and rewarding experience. The book SLINGSHOT SHOOTING will help you become an accomplished shooter at a rapid rate. Some of the chapters are: safety, the slingshot, ammunition, slingshot design, target systems, handedness, shooting technique, aiming, mind and body, practice, tournaments, and hunting.   OPINIONS OF THE EXPERTS: Jerry Blanchard – National slingshot champion in 1979, 1980, 1984, 2000, and 2005. “Jack has more information in his book than I ever dreamed existed. I think his book could help any shooter get better.”   Richard (Blue) Skeen – National champion in 1981, 1983, 2001, and 2002. “I would recommend Jack’s book to any beginner and also to any experienced shooter that wants to become better.”   Join the growing number of people who have made slingshot shooting their sport of choice.

Imagine if you could learn to shoot safely and effectively at home - saving you time and money you don't have. Well, now you can! Navy SEAL Shooting teaches you the groundbreaking training method developed by one of the most respected firearms instructors in the world, retired Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and 385 illustrations, this book covers everything you need to know to make effective shots in any high-stress situation. You will learn to plan your training, improve your accuracy and speed, shoot while moving, and clear malfunctions. Plus discover every manipulation needed for any semi-automatic pistol or rifle. Whether in combat, competition, or just safely and confidently protecting yourself or your family, this book will help you dominate any opponent. It's the middle of the night... You hear a sudden crash in the kitchen... Someone has broken into your home. He's armed and ready to kill. Will you be able to protect your family? Shoot like a Navy SEAL, Unlock Your Warrior Potential, and Protect Your Family -- Without Expensive Trips to the Firing

Versos para la nostalgia de los cuerpos, la añoranza de aquello que -ahora lo sabemos- jamás fue nuestro. Chispazo fugaz del tiempo perdido, siempre con el ansia de la vuelta, del regreso de los días de gloria. Cuando el mundo no era más que un verso de Neruda y el alma dolía sin saber por qué cualquier noche de verano.? RODOLFO SERRANO ?Supongo que a ella le ha servido escribir estos poemas, que habrá obtenido su tregua, pero tú no la vas a tener cuando los leas, porque es una ráfaga constante. Saray te ametralla, juega a tiro al blanco y tiene tantas balas, o poemas, que te va a dar seguro. No sé si es mejor que leas o que agarres un escudo, que leas a pecho descubierto (como mandan leer) o que lo hagas usando un impermeable contra la desolación, porque te vas a mojar, te van a dar caza, vas a caer. (...) A mí me gustan los libros que me cuentan mi vida, que hablan de mí, como el psicólogo que tras analizarte te dice qué te pasa. Este libro seguramente te cuente estas cosas.? MARWAN