Do you fully understand all the data in your organization?s data resource? Can you readily find and easily access the data you need to support your business activities? If you find multiple sets of the same data, can you readily determine which is the most current and correct? No? Then consider this book essential reading. It will help you develop a high quality data resource that supports business needs.Data Resource Simplexity explains how a data resource goes disparate, how to stop that trend toward disparity, and how to develop a high quality, comparate data resource. It explains how to stop the costly business impacts of disparate data. It explains both the architectural and the cultural aspects of developing a comparate data resource. It explains how to manage data as a critical resource equivalent to the other critical resources of an organization?finances, human resource, and real property.Drawing from his nearly five decades of data management experience, plus his leveraging of theories, concepts, principles, and techniques from disciplines as diverse as human dynamics, mathematics, physics, agricul