This book is a look at how or about a man who has suffered all his life with many "mental health disorders" biological unhappiness and I feel that it is an important area that needs to be seen in order for us all to realize what it's like to fight the media, and the public along with the illnesses, medical staff that you may have to face not to mention the negative stigma that those of us with an illness have to face everyday, once we are branded! It is my hope that this may help someone in some area of mental health or those treating someone in the mental health arena and that may lead to someone's healing of the negativity that is so common place all around, and to also aleviate some of the negitive stigma and press, and bring us into a brand new area where it is OK to have a mental health disorder! So why don't you please take a look down the path that not many have ever seen, it's the me that I really don't want you to see and you really should not see ( IT SHOULD STAY PRIVATE, DAM THIS IS GOING TO BE EMBARRESSING! ) Yet it is vital for all those with mental illness and those treating menta