In this revised second edition of Experimental Solid Mechanics we have retained all the essential features of the first edition but have also modified and added several new sections to ensure coverage of the latest information. We have added information on elastic-plastic fracture mechanics in Chapter 4. Chapters 10 and 11 have been condensed and some new sections have been added to emphasize salient aspects of photoelasticity. Chapter 15 has been completely rewritten to include the latest developments in the DIC technique. Chapter 17 now includes more discussion on split Hopkinson pressure bar techniques for soft materials. Chapter 18 has been considerably expanded to include new techniques for nanoscale measurements. The material in this book has evolved from the 4th edition of Experimental Stress Analysis.? The title change reflects the fact that the field today is much broader than it was in 1965 when the first edition of Experimental Stress Analysis was published.? Experimental Solid Mechanics describes methods used to measure forces, pressures, displacements, stresses, strains and fracture mechanics pa