He was twenty years old.? That?s when it happened.? Don Diaz met God ? and it changed Don?s life, radically.? ?It was a heavenly visitor,? says Don ?I am God and I am real.? The Holy Spirit of God came down on the young Don Diaz.? Don was stunned.? He was not overly religious and wasn?t known as a religious person.???? God?s majesty began to fill Don?s thoughts. God?s love began softening his heart and God?s holiness began to will purify Don?s. When people meet God, genuinely meet God, their lives are changed.? It was that way for Moses, Elijah, Daniel, Joseph, Samuel, Isaiah, David, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Apostle Paul ? and a host of believers who were changed by their encounter with God.? Change is a strong theme of Don?s life. ?Remember,? says Don Diaz, ?anointed, Holy Ghost fire is all consuming and will set your soul on fire for God.? ? ?It is my utmost and sincere prayer that these writings would cover you in God?s love and grace and ignite an all-consuming fire in your soul and an unquenchable hunger for God and Jesus Christ.? ?-- Don Diaz ? Powerfully written.? You won?t be disappointed.