One of my favourite quotes is "Sometimes when things seem like they are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place" - Author Unknown. Certainly when creating this issue of inSpirit Magazine, it has felt this way as it was coming together. Healing energy and what it brings to your life has a way of breaking things down so we can start a new and put ourselves and our lives back together in a way that serves our soul in a whole new and more desirable way. As you read through this Healing edition of inSpirit, we are sure you will find many moments of inspiration that will aide in letting go and starting fresh. Whether it is simply a matter of letting go of 2014 and moving full force into 2015 or something far deeper within your Souls journey. Healing is an ongoing process for us all and much of this issue is designed to support you during these times. Spirit very specifically asked me to feature a sound healer in this issue, so we feel honoured to have Laura Naomi speak with Medicine Man Rusty Baldeagle Myers and how music and shamanism combine beautifully for healing. This issue we farewe