This is the story of what may happen in any country of the world! In this case, when ethics of old fade and the United States of America allows more and more government to support more and more people, the once-stable economy fails, which allows radical Islam to plant the seeds and eventually succeed in establishing an Islamic State.? Our democratic republic?s president is replaced with a caliph who rules under the strict code of Shariah (Islamic Law).? Islamic fundamentalism takes over, and America, the once economic and military power of the world, becomes part of the new Islamic world order. It is a reality that should be explored because it could be our future. Many in our great nation refuse to believe Shariah represents a threat to us or that radical Islam plans to change our way of life. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Can radical Islam replace our Constitution with Shariah? Again, many in our country say no, but think about this. When Adolph Hitler walked into the Socialist German Workers? Party, he became a member of that small organization. Fourteen years later he was chance