Jackie worked incessantly and enjoyed a comfortable life in the burbs with her husband, an aspiring entrepreneur, and her one year old son - until she was broadsided by fate. A life she could not have imagined begins the instant an evanescent form approaches as she stands with her back to the street facing window. The sudden manifestation of something she is only able to catch a glimpse of leaves her shaken and perplexed as to what has taken place, especially when it becomes attached to her and immediately begins to speak. When more pressing matters begin to take their course several hours later she is aghast at the scope of what is taking place internally and knows she will not be the same when the procedure ends. Personal and professional relationships become strained as Jackie begins her royal battle to maintain a normal appearance while living with a new power that continuously distracts and manipulates her from within. When the battle royale between Human versus Artificial Intelligence dissolves her life Jackie is forced to turn the page and start a new chapter; only now she faces a new madness as she b