Have you had the privilege to search for your money? You withdrew N10,000 from an ATM on Friday evening and on Monday morning you were frantically searching your wallet, pockets and you got confused to find only few naira notes left with you! Ouch! Where did the money go to? Or you have been working for over 5 years and have been earning monthly salary and it suddenly dawned on you that you have no savings to fall back to if you were to stop working. ? Or you are a trader with lots of cash flow, then the cash starts to decrease and you keep suspecting that it must be your apprentice that is stealing your money. Or you have been wondering..., when will I find this money! Don?t look too far, the money is here! ? This book brings together, basic golden rules and principles on money management in a simple and easy to read style. The principles discussed are universal. The right application of these principles or otherwise, determines your level of real wealth and overall impact in life.