Wild Water Child is a collection by Hyannis poet Rose Auslander and the second annual publication of Bass River Press, an imprint of the Cultural Center of Cape Cod. The poems are written from the perspective of a mother struggling to understand and accept her child?s new way of life and the many dangers that come with it. Characterized by wild, natural imagery and rhythmic flow, Wild Water Child is a journey of longing, heartbreak, and coming to terms. Auslander's poetry is layered and multi-faceted; it demands a second, third, or even fourth read.Addicted to water and poetry (not necessarily in that order), Rose Auslander earned her MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College. Poetry Editor of Folded Word Press and Editor of the unFold zine, she is the author of the chapbooks Folding Water, Hints, and The Dolphin in the Gowanus. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has read her poems on NPR. Rose currently lives on Cape Cod.Auslander writers, of Wild Water Child:The summer I began writing these poems, my husband and I had not heard from our younger child for months. Seeking to escape chronic pain i