Hacer frente a la ansiedad y las fobias

Qué son, cómo y por qué nos afectan, y sensatos consejos para solucionar nuestros problemas junto con ideas eficaces para superar los peores momentos

A pesar de su frecuencia creciente, la alergia sigue siendo una gran desconocida para el gran público debido principalmente a que se encuentra por todo el organismo humano y, por lo tanto, resulta difícil de delimitar incluso para los investigadores.

UN INNOVADOR Y PODEROSO PROGRAMA PARA COMBATIR LA ANSIEDAD Y LA DEPRESIÓN Este libro aporta al lector diversas herramientas poderosas para curar la ansiedad y la depresión. Un programa nuevo, innovador, rápido y orientado a la acción para tratar la ansiedad y la depresión suave y moderada. El Dr. Luciani ha demostrado con tiempo y gracias a sus pacientes que su enfoque da resultado. Aporta soluciones prácticas y fáciles de llevar a cabo. Supone una nueva visión que diverge de los enfoques y los programas de autoayuda terapéutica tradicionales. Tanto si padece ansiedad como depresión, este libro innovador le enseñará cómo modificar la forma de pensar y mejorar la vida. Utiliza el revolucionario concepto de la Autopreparación, que consiste en unos sencillos pasos que ayudarán a superar las pautas de pensamiento que conducen a la ansiedad y la depresión.

This book is a memoir, inspirational book, and self-help book all in one. Laurie started her struggle with depression when she was thirty five years old and the most difficult of times lasted about 20 years. She wrote, “As time went on, I found out that depression was a callous illness that had no idea that I had other plans for my life.” During the course of her treatment, she experienced many hospitalizations, many medication trials, over four-hundred electro-convulsive treatments and two neuro-surgical surgeries.Her candid, moving story will give hope to people suffering from depression and to their families and friends.This book contains a wealth of information on:Symptoms of depression: Advice on accepting a medical illness diagnosis; Numerous treatment options; Tips for overcoming negative thoughts : Tools and skills used in recovery and numerous other topics. She ends her book by saying, “If I could have one wish today, it would be that all people could have access to the mental health care they need when they need it. I am very lucky to have received the help I did. It seemed that many people never stopped believing I could get healthy again. I hope that I can be that person for someone else.”

?You need to write a book? My husband said. It was not on my radar to ever write a book. I?m a reader, not a writer. He said this to me because I have been healed from depression for 12 years, but I felt like I was having a relapse. Soon, I realized that I was not having a relapse, but that I was being pushed by God to write about my journey through depression into healing. I knew it was not for me, so much as for others that are suffering with depression right now. I feel that if I can help even one person, then this will all be worth it. My hope and prayer is for that to be the case. I also hope it can help those who are feeling helpless about how to help someone they love who is suffering with depression or mental illness. In the end, depression is not a choice.

This is the story of my life living with chronic suicidal depression and the journey I traveled to find health with TMS, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. It is the account of having a successful career in spite of debilitating depression sometimes working in the public eye on as many as 5 medications at a time. It is the story of someone who was given what most would think is everything in life to live successfully and the self-hate that developed in spite of the education and privilege afforded her. It is also an in-depth description of what it feels like to live in the "black hole." I describe the black hole as a state in which there is no hope, no emotion (other than fear and anxiety), no interest, and no ability to function in the world, even in the simplest ways. I describe the changes I went through as I had TMS treatments and what they have allowed me to do. The in-depth description of this new FDA-approved treatment gives the reader the ability to actually understand the changes and feelings of well-being that begin to evolve as I had?more and more treatments. It also touches on the fact that I h

Do you secretly wish humans could hibernate for the winter? Do you miss your summer sandals so much that you are detoxing with physical withdrawal symptoms and are considering attending a "Flip Flops Anonymous" meeting? You might have Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short if you are simply too tired to spell out the whole thing. Jozzie Ray artfully blends sass and sarcasm with science to help humans who are living a SAD life. Writing with the mantra that laughter is the best medicine, her humorous perspective is refreshing to this is otherwise depressing topic. Having struggled with winter depression herself, she adds the reality of personal situations and offers practical life advice for humans who would rather just hibernate for the winter. Ever wonder why you crave carbohydrates in the winter? This Seasonal Affective Disorder survival guide includes current scientific research explained in everyday terms. Clarifying how your brain chemicals work by relating them to Hollywood actors at the Oscars makes this in depth scientific information easy to understand. Truly comprehend the bi