Resultados de la búsqueda para: Choi In ho

Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.

Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.

Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.

Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.

Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.

Por fin respuestas, consejos y apoyo para millones de personas que han sido diagnosticadas de, o están viviendo con, una patología cardíaca. Guía práctica para mantener su corazón sano le proporciona un enfoque positivo y original para proteger su corazón y vivir con un estilo de vida saludable. En sus páginas usted descubrirá: - Qué es la enfermedad coronaria y cómo se trata. Los aspectos emocionales y físicos a atender después de un evento cardíaco. - Cómo una «ITV cardíaca» le puede ayudar a evaluar el riesgo de enfermedad coronaria. - Los ejercicios más efectivos para la prevención y recuperación. - Las últimas investigaciones y consejos para adoptar una dieta cardiosaludable. - Cómo manejar el estrés y la ansiedad. Cuenta con figuras y tablas que facilitan la comprensión y enriquecen el texto con el fin de guiarle en sus progresos. Con propuestas de alimentación así como con consejos prácticos sobre ejercicio y actividad física, Guía práctica para mantener su corazón sano le da las pautas necesarias para afrontar su recuperación y vivir una vida larga y plena. Morag Thow, PhD, BSc, Dip PE, ha sido profesora de fi sioterapia, especializada en rehabilitación cardíaca, en la Glasgow Caledonian University durante más de veinticuatro años. Ha escrito dos libros anteriores a este sobre rehabilitación cardíaca y ha colaborado en otro más. También, escribe regularmente artículos para revistas sobre esta especialidad, y fue miembro del SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network), grupo para la Rehabilitación Cardíaca 2002. Es miembro de la BACPR y del Cardiac Rehabilitation Interest Group Scotland. Keri Graham, MSc, BSc, es fi sioterapeuta diplomada y ha trabajado en el ámbito hospitalario durante más de quince años, especializándose en rehabilitación cardíaca durante la última década. Es miembro de la BACPR y de la Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation (ACPICR), formando parte, así mismo, del grupo redactor de los estándares de actuación de la ACPICR para la Actividad Física y el Ejercicio en la población cardíaca del 2009 y 2012. Es profesora invitada habitual de la Glasgow Caledonian University. Choi Lee, BSc, es dietista titulada que, desde 2008, se especializó en el trabajo con pacientes en rehabilitación cardíaca. Es miembro de la British Dietetic Association y del Health & Care Professions Council. Está interesada en las intervenciones sobre el estilo de vida dentro de la prevención y tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular, y ha ejercido como conferenciante invitada sobre el manejo y tratamiento de la enfermedad coronaria, dentro de los ciclos de clases para expertos de la Glasgow University.


Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.


Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.


Teachers today are faced with a tough challenge: how do you motivate older teens, while meeting academic and educational goals and standards? Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online and print material, Choices gives you the power to adapt to your classroom, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Now you can provide online learning with MyEnglishLabs. The instant making and monitoring make a perfect choice that leaves no student behind and keep you ahead of the game! Even more choices available with ActiveTeach - digital resources and in-class presentation. Also available as blended learning solution with MyEnglishLab.