Caballos y ponis

Este libro, que da una visión autorizada sobre cómo adiestrar a los caballos y lo que son capaces de hacer, ofrece a su vez la oportunidad de conocer cómo piensan y actúan estos animales. Con los fundamentos basados en las últimas investigaciones y técnicas de adiestramiento, los propietarios y amantes de los caballos comprenderán el modo en que las innumerables demandas que les hacemos a nuestros caballos afectan a su comportamiento, permitiéndonos disfrutar más y mejor de una relación más sana con ellos.

En esta guía le explicamos cuándo, por qué y cómo abrigar a un caballo y qué manta elegir. Esta información resulta de inestimable valor para todos aquellos propietarios de caballos que deseen familiarizarse con este tema. Se explica y analiza cuándo poner la manta y cuál es la mejor, tanto si el caballo está en la cuadra como si se mantiene en el prado, teniendo en cuenta el manto piloso propio del caballo.

Comprende el comportamiento de tu caballo aprendiendo a interpretar correctamente su lenguaje corporal, su voz y su expresión facial

Esta nueva obra de la colección de ´Guías Ecuestres Ilustradas´ es un manual, paso a paso, sobre el arte de entresacar y trenzar crines y colas.

El cólico es una enfermedad que no se debe tomar a la ligera, pues con frecuencia puede resultar letal para el caballo

Esta guía, con seis capítulos de preguntas y respuestas de fácil lectura, abarca los aspectos principales del adiestramiento y proporciona a los jinetes técnicas fáciles de aplicar para construir una buena relación con su caballo. Numerosos casos práctic

     From the Foreword: “This book provides a concise and useful guide for horse owners to take immediate and productive action against laminitis and keep it out of their horses’ lives once and for all . . . Nipping away at the edges of the [laminitis] plague, NHC continues to grow with adherents who want nothing better than what is good for their horses. So, the answer lies not in a drug-addicted world of ‘treating symptoms’ but in the holistic fold of equine vitality. There is no shortage of things that we all can, and should, do to support this end: more responsible horse ownership, good science, good research, safe feeds, safe drugs, and a revolutionary new vanguard of allied services that inure to the healthful vitality of the horse, not a perpetual state of laminitis. But we’ll never see any of it, if we persist in the delusion that the current stream of ‘profits at all costs’ — the industrialization of laminitis — equates to the well-being of the horse. It doesn’t, and the intent of this book is to show why, while pointing to a good path to get ourselves and our horses on ‘at all costs’.”      Laminitis lays out Jackson’s most current thinking and strategies for dealing with this insidious disease of the horse.       Jaime Jackson is a 40 year veteran farrier turned NHC practitioner, researcher, author, and advocate for humane horse care practices. He founded the AANHCP in 2000, and with his colleague Jill Willis, the ISNHCP in 2009. Jackson has written a comprehensive range of books, articles, and PowerPoint lectures on the humane care of horses.

A story about a Friesian horse, living in the Wyoming Territory. In a place and time where the Quarter Horses, Mustangs and Draft horses were invaluable to the rancher. Henry, the Friesian, felt out of place and alone, until the night that Santa Claus showed up and asked him to help pull his sleigh full of toys.

What is Paddock Paradise? ?A remarkable natural environment for horses!? Welcome to ?Paddock Paradise?, natural horse care advocate Jaime Jackson?s groundbreaking adventure in natural boarding for horses! Based on Jackson?s legendary research on wild horses, Paddock Paradise is a revolutionary model for safe, natural horsekeeping, hoof care, and the healing and rehabilitation of lame horses. The premise of Paddock Paradise is to stimulate horses to behave and move naturally according to their instincts. ?This is the key,? according to Jackson, ?to having physically and mentally healthier horses.? This unique and unprecedented model is adaptable to virtually all size horse properties, regardless of climate, and fits all equine breeds regardless of how they are used. Consider some of the following benefits for creating a Paddock Paradise for your horses: ? Encourages constant movement, as nature intended. ? Greater movement means natural hoof wear with fewer bills. ? Protects horses from dangerous founder-prone pastures. ? Minimizes the need for warm-up exercise time before riding. ? Helps address neurotic b