Catolicismo romano, Iglesia católica romana

La situación de la fe ha dado un claro cambio en nuestros días. La pregunta por la Iglesia se ha hecho mucho más apremiante que en épocas pasadas. ¿Acaso no están todas las religiones igual de cercanas o distantes de Dios? Entonces, ¿para qué la Iglesia? Gerhard Lohfink se plantea esta pregunta, con competencia científica, desde su propia experiencia eclesial. Interroga tanto a la teología de Israel, a la praxis de Jesús, a las experiencias de la primeras comunidades cristianas, como a todas las circunstancias que hoy salen a la luz en la Iglesia. Este conjunto pone de manifiesto una historia sorprendente entre Dios y el mundo; un mundo que Dios lleva adelante con la ayuda de su propio pueblo.

«Oraciones de tú a tú» es una recopilación de textos que ayudarán a encontrar aquel rato para ponerse en presencia de Dios en los días de fiesta religiosa. Con sencillez y proximidad, así como desde la condición de creyente de base, el autor ha elaborado unos textos breves para la oración, tanto a nivel individual como en pareja, en familia o en pequeñas comunidades. La mayoría de las oraciones han sido leídas en el momento de la comunión durante la Misa televisada los domingos en TVE-2. Son palabras sencillas, inteligibles para todos, espiritualmente motivadoras, partiendo siempre, eso sí, de lo que sugiere la misma Sagrada Escriptura. Los textos para orar están ordenados de acuerdo con los domingos y fiestas importantes del calendario litúrgico correspondiente al ciclo C. En definitiva, se trata de una propuesta para reencontrar aquella esperanza con la que sólo el diálogo «de tú a tú» nos da acceso a su fuente más auténtica. Estas oraciones incluyen peticiones a Dios, acción de gracias y reflexiones desde el interior de la persona que se dirige al mismo Señor, un buen combinado de ingredientes para conseguir que los espacios de oración sean más una apertura de corazón que una lista de objetivos.

This publication of Mark Twain’s book is packaged with Joan of Arc’s trial transcripts. Joan of Arc’s fascinating life ended when she was 19 years old—burned at the stake after leading thousands of men in military battles that were decisive in ending the Hundred Years War. She was officially appointed as commander-in-chief of the French army by King Charles VII, but he later abandoned her when he could have intervened to save her from execution.Twain wrote, “I like Joan of Arc best of all my books; and it is the best; I know it perfectly well. And besides, it furnished me seven times the pleasure afforded me by any of the others; twelve years of preparation, and two years of writing. The others needed no preparation and got none.”Twain was passionate about historical accuracy when writing about Joan of Arc, and he learned French to read available documentation about her life. His notebooks from 1855 are full of French language exercises that illustrate the painstaking process he used to learn the language. By 1860 Twain was reading Voltaire, and when his book about Joan of Arc was published in 1896, he listed 11 academic sources to bolster his claims about the accuracy of details included in his book.In the transcripts from Joan of Arc’s 1431 Condemnation Trial, she provides meticulous details about having supernatural encounters with long-dead Catholic saints. She claimed to hear the voices of these saints daily, and she provided other details about having visual encounters with apparitions of the saints.Scholarly debate continues to this day on the source of Joan’s “voices” (the mysterious interior locutions that guided her behavior). Some say Joan suffered from delusions, but she claimed her voices gave her the instructions that led to her military success. She also stated numerous times that her voices enabled her to make accurate predictions about future events—which were confirmed by many sober witnesses who later gave testimony.Twain’s interest in supernatural and paranormal phenomena began in the 1840s when he twice witnessed his mother’s recovery after the intervention of a faith healer. Twain also had a dream in which he saw a future event—his brother dead, lying in a coffin. The dream was full of details that later proved to be entirely accurate, down to details such as a single red rose laying in the middle of a bouquet of white flowers.After those events, Twain began having experiences he described as “thought transfer,” and he joined the London Society for Psychical Research in 1885. During the 12 years of research Twain did in preparing to write about Joan of Arc, he became enthralled with Joan and her supernatural experiences, all of which are documented in her trial transcripts.When Twain was the guest of honor during a 1905 dinner, organizers of the event planned to surprise Twain by having a woman appear as Joan of Arc. The following quote is from a New York Times article published December 22, 1905, “Joan of Arc Appears to Startle Mark Twain—Surprise Prepared for Him by Society of Illustrators.”“It had been arranged that when the humorist arose to speak Miss Angersten, a well-known model, was to appear in the garb and with the simple dignity of Jean d’Arc, his favorite character in all history. He was on his feet as Jean d’Arc entered the room. She wore the armor of the French heroine and her hair and face made a strangely appealing picture. The face of the humorist, which had been wearing its ‘company’ smile all night, suddenly changed. He had every appearance of a man who had seen a ghost. His eyes fairly started out of his head, and his hand gripped the edge of the table ...many did not know whether it was time to laugh, disrespectful to giggle, or discourteous to keep solemn."

La colección Con Él ofrece este mes al lector, 30 meditaciones para cada día del mes, desde el sábado de la 21ª semana del tiempo ordinario al domingo de la 26ª semana del tiempo ordinario (1 al 30 de septiembre), acompañadas del evangelio del día y un santoral del mes.

Consciente de que se encuentra situado en la etapa final de su ciclo vital, el autor de este escrito ha querido concentrarse en una revisión serena sobre cuáles son sus auténticas convicciones respecto a la cosmovisión cristiana y sobre los hechos que las fundamentan, para que puedan constituir una fe inteligente (aparte de comprometida). Para ello, habiéndose aligerado desde el año 2003 de una parte de sus compromisos laborales, ha podido disponer de tiempos para la reflexión filosófica y teológica, a partir del repaso de antiguas lecturas, y del estudio de nuevas aportaciones desde la Teología.